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Wednesday 6 February 2013


The dreaded day is round the corner….. (7days)

Now for women it’s not a dread, but for you guys, is it 1 rose, or 12, a ring or an expensive meal, or is it all four!?

Guess what, guys? It's not a dozen long-stemmed red roses and a pricey box of chocolates that women get all misty-eyed over when mid-February approaches, interesting research shows that most women would be far more impressed by a simpler, and often less-expensive gift, that touches her heart.

It really is the thought that counts, so Monsieur Man has come up with a few creative and modestly priced Valentine's ideas for you gift-challenged men:

  • Who needs Shakespeare, say it in your own words, a heart felt poem always gets us weak at the knees!

  • Get your apron on, a romantic home cooked meal, with champagne, shows a large amount of effort.

  • Show her that you listen, a gift certificate to something she is passionate about will prove men really do listen to us ramble on.

  • Go public, telling the world you love her, is heart touching, whether its over your local radio waves or, down the local pub in front of everyone, she wont forget that in a hurry. 

  • My all time favourite, whisk her away for some quality time!

However, the best suggestion, I’ve received from the panel of guys I asked was to:

Set up a treasure trail for her to follow around your local area - each clue guiding her to the next one. There could be a small gift (as simple as a single chocolate or a small jokey thing that reminds her of something you have shared) at each clue location.
The final clue returns her to your place where you've cooked a knock-out meal with a nice bottle of wine.

Good Luck on Valentine’s day guys!

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