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Thursday 18 October 2012

Monsieur Greedy

Can you see the pun?

Mr Greedy is truly the greediest person in the whole of Misterland. If you relate to this MR MEN character, you may find it tricky finding styles, and shapes that suit your portly tummy or larger body frame.  The trick here is to create the illusion of a more slender body.

This can be done by wearing:

  • Darker colours- As these darker colours are slimming; they will do wonders to lighten the appearance of your frame, making you seem lighter on your feet.
  • Light fabric- lightweight fabrics are the key; stay away from bulkier textiles will only add weight, compounding the problem.
  • Single breasted jackets only, double breasted will only add unnecessary bulk.
If you feel you need more advice on dressing for your shape, please email monsieurman@live.co.uk to arrange a style consultation.

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