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Monday 10 December 2012

Picture Perfect

Click, flash, (it’s bright)… so you blink, oh and opps you’ve forgotten to smile and pose! There are so many things to think about in just one second of someone whipping their camera out.  With all the Christmas parties in full swing, everybody has their cameras and phones at the ready which means a lot of Facebook, and Instagram pictures to "un-tag" the next morning. So in order to get ready for all the candid photos here are a few Monsieur Man tips for taking a great picture…and I don’t mean being behind the camera.

  • Firstly wear an outfit you feel comfortable and dapper in, if you look good you feel good-correct, so this will automatically give you the confidence to smile.

  •  Secondly, to avoid that dreaded double chin, (which even the slimmest of people can get, if they don't position their head probably) you must pull your head slightly forward and tilt your chin down ever so slightly. If it feels slightly awkward, it looks good!

  •  Finally guys always remember to stand up straight (imagine a string pulling your spine up), shoulders back and relaxed, and remember to gently suck in your ‘Christmas’ stomach.

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