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Monday 14 January 2013

CEO of Me Inc: Staranise

It’s a new year, it’s a new start, but is it a new you?

If you haven’t already, 2013 is the time to push your brand visibility, and by that we mean, start becoming the CEO of You Inc.

Companies across the globe understand the importance of brands, and in today’s society in the age of the individual, you have to be your own brand. Why? Because people buy people, not companies products or services. Therefore it is essential you look inviting, so that consumers can buy into the brand of YOU!

For example: That briefcase you’re carrying, one look at the distinctive logo on the side tells everyone who's got you branded. That phone you're using, ah, you're an i phone guy! The watch on your wrist with the hey-this-certifies-I-made-it icon on the face….all leads to you being branded! 


This just emphasises the power of brands, so men I hope that this has got you thinking…..so starting right now, you're not an "employee" of KPMG you're not a "staffer" at KFC, you're not a "worker" at Hong Kong Electric, you have to remember that you are not defined by your job title and you are not confined by your job description. You are a brand.

So with this in mind, here a few Monsieur Man tips to help you identify your brand:

  •   Start by evaluating the qualities or characteristics that make you distinctive from your competitors.  Write your own mission statement, to guide you as CEO of Me Inc, and then review that mission statement every three months to make sure you still believe what you wrote.
  •   Hone in on your marketing materials, produce tangible business cards, which compliment and are consistent with your brand style
  • Develop an online presence (if you haven’t done so already) LinkedIn, blogs, Twitter and other social media sites to support your unique brand.
  •  Network, this is a great way to reach a large target market, just be sure that your brand is memorable. You know what it’s like, you come back after an event go through all the business cards you collected and you can’t remember who is who. To make sure you are never that forgotten brand, be the one with the eye catching yet appropriate outfit or who gave a great elevator speech.

Make 2013 all about the brand called: YOU! Good Luck

 For regular lifestyle news and tips follow Monsieur Man’s fashion and style blog on http://monsieurman.blogspot.hk/ and on Twitter @Monsieur_Man

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