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Thursday 31 January 2013

You're gonna let me pick out my own clothes?

I now understand why everybody keeps going on about Django Unchained, this 2012 American epic western film written and directed by Quentin Tarantino, stars Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Kerry Washington, and Samuel L. Jackson, and it is truly epic! Even rotten tomatoes gave it an 8/10 and they are tough critics to please!

Being an image consultant, the part of the film that stood out to me had to be the scene in which Django (Jamie Fox), soon after being freed by the incredibly likable, and funny dentist turned bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), shops for new clothes to wear.

Now Schultz tells Django to pick out whatever he likes. Django looks at the smiling Schultz in disbelief, and say’s “You're gonna let me pick out my own clothes”? The following shot delivered, has to be one of the biggest laughs from the audience.

Django rides in on his horse, and is now wearing his very own outlandish cowboy outfit, a bright cobalt blue ensemble with a white ruffle shirt- classic!  This is a great scene as it now confirms that this man of colour is now free to make his own decisions. The choice he made in regards to his extravagantly loud outfit acts as a warning to those that plan to stand in his way, watch out, here comes, D.J.A.N.G.O!

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