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Friday 4 January 2013

New year, New you…new wardrobe!

Gentlemen, I would like to wish you a very happy, healthy, and stylish 2013!

Like many, if you are sick of setting yourself unrealistic New Year resolutions, that you know you will break by the end of the January, this coming new year be kind to yourself and your conscience, and make a resolution you can commit to. 

If elevating your image is one of your 2013 resolutions, (because remember when it comes to fashion each New Year brings a plethora of new styles and trends) what better way to achieve success than with Monsieur Man.?  For the month of January we will be offering a 25% discount on all services booked by the 31st.

However, should you have other goals this year such as aiming to lose weight, quit smoking, get that job you've longed for, or achieve that work-life balance, here are a few pointers to begin rebuilding and rebranding yourself today...

1.  Start with a brainstorm, and note down as many goals as pop into your head.  Physically write them down as this shows a commitment. 

2.  Mark them 1-10, 10 being the most important, and choose one '10' to start working on.

3.  Write down your goal in the present tense with timeframes, stages and rewards for yourself, for when you achieve it. 

4.  Be realistic and be honest; anticipate any problems before hand, making a note of ways to overcome them.

5. Review and re- evaluate constantly. Achieving goals is a journey and an evolving one at that.

Good luck, and I hope you all have a happy 2013!

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