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Tuesday 26 March 2013

Body Art

Tattoos, traditionally reserved to social outcasts, bikers, runaways, criminal gangs and sailors, they adopted this ancient art form as an important facet of their cultural identity. However, in this day and age, tats have made a breakthrough into the mainstream, and are seen a trend. Men and Women around the world use their bodies as a canvas for a particular style of body art.

So today, we thought we’d talk about tattoos in men's fashion.

Since the sailor days, tattooing has gone from strength to strength, rising through the style ranks and growing in acceptability. Tattoo parlours are popping up everywhere on the high streets, and  no longer restricted to basements and alleyway. The likes of advertising and the fashion world have embraced the tattoo revolution, with poster campaigns full of inked individuals splashed across billboards. A quick look at the latest campaigns from the likes of Urban Outfitters, Zara and Topman reveals a plethora of tattooed models showing off the season’s latest trends. H&M, although has to be the most famous, were David Beckham graces the billboards with his heavily inked body. He has also made a recent appear in China, showing off his newly acquired tat!

The most shocking tattoo story that I have come across to date though is the new male cosmetic craze within Nigeria, a bizarre male beauty fad- pink lip tattoos for men. I just don’t get it!!! Apparently the concept of tattooing one's lower lip pink comes from the belief among men that it heighten one's attractiveness???

Furthermore, the rise in popularity and acceptability of tattoos does come with its downsides. By becoming increasingly mainstream, this ancient art form begins to lose its charm and the individualism.

Ozzy Osbourne summed it up really- 

“If you want to be an individual, don't get a tattoo. Every bugger’s got one these days.”

So it therefore could be argued that with so many going under the needle in order to achieve an individual look, the nonconformists are becoming the conformed.

What do you think, do tattoos in today’s mainstream society, show individualism? 

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Less is more: maximum style, minimum effort!

Staranise: Our resident men's stylist, Kemi is in the UK reporting on the hottest men's fashion styles outside the office this summer!

Albert Einstien once said that if you can’t explain something simply, you just don’t understand it well enough. This runs truth to fashion, as much as physics. Simplicity can be a difficult to grasp with menswear, but fashion should make life easier, not more complicated. This season is a good time to start keeping things simple!

Stylish simplicity demands consideration on the wearer part: considered dressing!
First of all concentrate on your staples, for instance your white poplin shirts, straight cut jeans, v neck sweaters, blazers, brogues. Basically you need to indentify the items that suit you and you feel most comfortable in. Once this is established, these form the basis of your wardrobe that delivers maximum style for minimum effort.

As you hunt for your staples, don’t forget about the current trends!For example Louis Vuitton has extended the emphasis on the nautical theme; a classic pea coat, brenton striped tops, deck/boat shoes and a fishermans jacket.
Bright neon colours is another trend to watch out for, Salvatore Ferragamo showcased this best. Other new menswear directions include sleeker lines in suiting, the Tom Ford effect, add a pocket square instead of a tie for a bit of change.

The overall key to simplicity is to establish your own style and stick to it! Just make sure you consider these four pointer before hand:
  •       The three F’s: Fit, Function and Fabric
  •       Buy one great piece, instead of 3 ok pieces
  •       Play with patterns and colours
  •       Only wear what you love!

My pick of the season has to be: Navy & Cream Striped Wool & Linen Slim Double-Breasted Jacket From Crombie- £795

Crombie jackets are expertly tailored to the same block as our suits, designed to fit you like a glove, giving a distinguished silhouette with neat shoulders, slim sleeves and shaping at the waist.
The traditional double-breasted jacket is now firmly re-established as a statement piece for the modern age. The natural lustre of the wool-linen mix, combined with the subtle thin pinstripe pattern, gives this garment and undeniably dashing English look.

Monday 18 March 2013

Thursday 14 March 2013

Out With The Old, In With The New

Spring is around the corner! The flowers are blooming, the birds are serenading. Spring is a time of fresh starts, and clear outs: A wardrobe detox is an emotionally and psychical process. With outfits and clothes that you have built up over many months (or years), spending a small fortune on doubt, but there comes a day when you have to make that decision. A ruthless overhaul can give new energy to your style! As there is nothing like starting the ‘new’ with a wardrobe full of clothes you actually like, wear and need for the coming months.

I have found that the best and easiest way to tackle a clients wardrobe is to first of all empty all the clothes onto the bed separating them into three piles- Yes, No and Maybe. The no garments should be put into a bag, and ready to be sent to a suitable charity. The yes pile stays to one side, and the maybe pile is what you need to tackle. Ask yourself these simple questions:

•Have you worn this garment in the past year?
•Does it fit me now?
•Is it comfortable to wear?
•Do I look good in it? (Is it your colour and flattering to your bodyshape?)
•Do I feel good in it?
•Do I own too many of the same thing?
•Does it fit into my current lifestyle?

After this is done, you should refold and put back neatly your newly selected clothes.Not only does clearing out your wardrobe give you a huge mental lift but it also allows you to move forward in developing your own fashion style to enable you to feel more confident and self-assured.

Happy spring cleaning folks....

Monday 11 March 2013

De-clutter your life: Spring Clean

Clutter depletes your energy and sabotages your efficiency, causing you to waste time despite your best intentions.  If you feel like you never have time for anything and balance has gone out the window then its time to do a life inventory.

Removing the clutter involves more than a tidy up and a trip to Ikea, It also consists of ridding your life of the unnecessary components clogging it up.  This includes your social, personal and professional life.  Essential-ism is key here, so to move yourself on to a healthier, more liberated self, follow these little pointers:

De-clutter socially - Keeping in touch with everyone can be draining.  Stop stretching yourself to the limit and learn to say no.  Reduce those energy-zapping mates and focus on smaller get-togethers with the must-sees.

Clean up your environment - If your work and living space is a mess and finding the remote has become a mission, then sort it out.  Arm yourself with storage solutions and purge redundant files, stop stubbing your toe on useless furniture and clear out that wardrobe.  (In my business, we call this a wardrobe detox. Please stay tuned for details!)

Finally de-clutter your head - this may be a night on the tiles for some or a spot of downward dog for others. Either way, it is important to relax and wind down to clear your mind, becoming centred and balanced, all of which are necessary to succeeding in day to day life.

So now that you're de-cluttered the path is clear, the sky is your limit and you have goals to achieve.  

Good Luck.

Monday 4 March 2013

Mother & Son

So it’s Mother’s Day, on Sunday! The one day of the year when we finally take a moment to honor the immense and continuing sacrifices that mothers make, all around the world!

In what ways can men celebrate mothers? If you live with your mother, start with bringing her breakfast in bed , and then continue with doing all of the cooking,  cleaning and household that day! For any man who has a mother in his life, whether it is his own mother, the mother of his children, or simply a mother he knows, performing those tasks is a good starting point. But there is so much more that you can do… on Sunday and every day! It turns out that what dads and kids think mums want for Mother’s Day doesn’t match up with what they actually want. Go figure! In April, 2012 found that 48% of women want a spa day for Mother’s Day, making it their top choice for a gift. 72% of men that responded to the survey said they think mums want flowers, making it their top pick. Quite the disconnect.

Here are Monsieur Man’s tips on making Mothering Sunday a great day for the mum in your life:

1. On Sunday, make sure that you are treating your own mother with respect and kindness.
2. On Sunday, make sure that you are treating the mother of your children with respect and kindness.

3. On Sunday, make your mum feel young, invigorated and excited, why not give her a reason to dress up? And take her out for the day.

4. You can be original with your gifting ideas:

- Create a photo album of old memories

- Make a tribute video

-Offer her some spa treatment

-Plan a weekend getaway for her

-Make her dinner

-Enroll her in an interesting class

-Fail safe flowers and chocolates! 

Just treat your mum like the Queen of the world, she will be touched and feel extremely appreciated! (Don’t forget to extend this gesture all year round, everyday all day for ever, she is the reason after all, why you are in this world!)