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Monday 4 March 2013

Mother & Son

So it’s Mother’s Day, on Sunday! The one day of the year when we finally take a moment to honor the immense and continuing sacrifices that mothers make, all around the world!

In what ways can men celebrate mothers? If you live with your mother, start with bringing her breakfast in bed , and then continue with doing all of the cooking,  cleaning and household that day! For any man who has a mother in his life, whether it is his own mother, the mother of his children, or simply a mother he knows, performing those tasks is a good starting point. But there is so much more that you can do… on Sunday and every day! It turns out that what dads and kids think mums want for Mother’s Day doesn’t match up with what they actually want. Go figure! In April, 2012 found that 48% of women want a spa day for Mother’s Day, making it their top choice for a gift. 72% of men that responded to the survey said they think mums want flowers, making it their top pick. Quite the disconnect.

Here are Monsieur Man’s tips on making Mothering Sunday a great day for the mum in your life:

1. On Sunday, make sure that you are treating your own mother with respect and kindness.
2. On Sunday, make sure that you are treating the mother of your children with respect and kindness.

3. On Sunday, make your mum feel young, invigorated and excited, why not give her a reason to dress up? And take her out for the day.

4. You can be original with your gifting ideas:

- Create a photo album of old memories

- Make a tribute video

-Offer her some spa treatment

-Plan a weekend getaway for her

-Make her dinner

-Enroll her in an interesting class

-Fail safe flowers and chocolates! 

Just treat your mum like the Queen of the world, she will be touched and feel extremely appreciated! (Don’t forget to extend this gesture all year round, everyday all day for ever, she is the reason after all, why you are in this world!) 

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