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Monday 11 March 2013

De-clutter your life: Spring Clean

Clutter depletes your energy and sabotages your efficiency, causing you to waste time despite your best intentions.  If you feel like you never have time for anything and balance has gone out the window then its time to do a life inventory.

Removing the clutter involves more than a tidy up and a trip to Ikea, It also consists of ridding your life of the unnecessary components clogging it up.  This includes your social, personal and professional life.  Essential-ism is key here, so to move yourself on to a healthier, more liberated self, follow these little pointers:

De-clutter socially - Keeping in touch with everyone can be draining.  Stop stretching yourself to the limit and learn to say no.  Reduce those energy-zapping mates and focus on smaller get-togethers with the must-sees.

Clean up your environment - If your work and living space is a mess and finding the remote has become a mission, then sort it out.  Arm yourself with storage solutions and purge redundant files, stop stubbing your toe on useless furniture and clear out that wardrobe.  (In my business, we call this a wardrobe detox. Please stay tuned for details!)

Finally de-clutter your head - this may be a night on the tiles for some or a spot of downward dog for others. Either way, it is important to relax and wind down to clear your mind, becoming centred and balanced, all of which are necessary to succeeding in day to day life.

So now that you're de-cluttered the path is clear, the sky is your limit and you have goals to achieve.  

Good Luck.

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