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Monday 19 November 2012

Monsieur Small

Mr. Strong is the smallest person in the whole of mistaland. If you relate to this MR MEN character, you may find it tricky finding styles, and shapes that suit your petite frame, so the trick here is to create the appearance of height. 

This can be done by wearing:

  • No big prints- visual clutter, such as large eye-grabbing stuff on the body, breaks up the impression of height, and gobbles you up. Keep print simple and small.
  • Accessories: need to be small, for example never wear a wide tie, always skinny and slim ties, for the elongation effect.
  • One colour- wearing head to toe in the same colour will prevent obvious breaks in your natural frame, and as a result can give the illusion that you're taller.

If you feel you need more advice on dressing for your shape, please email monsieurman@live.co.uk to arrange a style consultation.

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