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Tuesday 20 November 2012


She Wants A Gentleman

The word SWAG to me, conveys how you carry yourself; with confidence! Some however say swag is for boys and class is for men!  There are some elements of truth in that, but I feel mixing the two- is key. So now that you are a man, what is your real definition? Is it to make more money, drive a bigger /nicer car, or is it to dress better. If it’s the latter, Monsieur Man can help.
When I look at the way some teens or young adult men dress,  they are in Versace shirts with the top three buttons open and sunglasses often worn by the likes of P before he was Diddy, baggy evisu jeans and bright white air force ones, surely this is not the definition of Swag. 

There is a saving grace when men grow up, and have reached lets say over 25 they come to realise the likes of a dapper Bradley cooper for example, who  keep it quite simple, with smart jeans, a blazer and a pair of brogues, is ultimately more effective.

So it is this that encapsulates the definition of simplicity, and for many of us women, this is the visual definition of a man. Remember you can tell a lot about a man by the way he dresses.

Men, us women pay close attention to the way you dress! If you are a younger man reading this, and find yourself stuck in that transition period, here are a few tips to achieve a look from boyhood to manhood, remember for us women its all in the detail. 

1. What time is it?

A watch is a must have. Automatic qualifier of value. Time is money and all! They say a lot can be said about a man by his watch, a loud watch signifies wealth and plenty of confidence but some could signify insecurities as a result the need for others to recognise his achievements. A simple watch could imply a man who is assured of himself and recognises the need to go about his business with an appreciation for time. You choose. 

2.      What is that smell?

Ive mentioned the importance of a great cologne in my previous post. Never underestimate the importance of smell .The right smell will have a woman’s head turned as you walk past, its what I would call the Icing on the cake.

3.      Most importantly….look at his feet!

Its true guys, shoes are one of the first things us women notice. Let’s face it footwear has the ability to make an outfit a winner or a sore loser, so just based on that its fair to say that footwear constitutes a large part towards a man’s outfit. Shoes which still maintain the smart look without the need of a suit is a winner for example a pair of derbies, loafers or boat shoes maintain the tailored appearance even with a pair of jeans.Dare I say, it is indeed well dressed British men who are renowned for their shoes. Well heeled and perfectly fitted. When it come to shoes, a British mans shoes are the epitome of quality, and the rest of the world follows!

So there you have it my top three items to ensure you have the right amount of SWAG to be a classy gentleman!

Enlighten me men, what type of watch, aftershave and shoes are you wearing? 

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