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Thursday 22 November 2012

Tux Time

The Christmas party season has arrived. I’m sure over the next few weeks, your diaries are chocka with numerous social events. I know mine definitively is. Office parties, dinners the list goes on.So if you haven’t worn your Tux yet this year, its time to brush of the cobwebs and let it see the Christmas lights!

Your work Christmas party is definitely a time to relax and unwind with your coworkers, just ensure you do so in style and with not too much alcohol in your system. I’m sure you guys know how to rock a Tux, after years of partying, this year try styling your Tux with a bold outlandish bow tie, waistcoat or opt for a velvet jacket. Remember to pay attention to the detail, shined cufflinks, patent shoes, or at least get your non patents shined from your local cobbler before your hit the dance floor. 

 Jacket available from DSquared2

Cufflinks available from PHERES

I personally think this cute dog is rocking the best Tux I have ever seen!

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